You’re wondering what this post celebrating summer has to do with saving our seas, right?
After reading the narrative below and watching Louis Armstrong sing “It’s a Wonderful World” –one more time, I asked myself: would the jazz man from New Orleans still think it’s a wonderful world after two recent disasters in his beloved state? The breaking of the levies during Katrina , and now the rupture of BP’s oil pipe have broken many spirits along with many livelihoods. Will the people of the Gulf be able to sing once again “It’s a Wonderful World”? I hope they do, sooner rather than later, assuming we ALL make a commitment to save our seas
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. We will be able to do this once we are truly GRATEFULL for our beautiful and plentiful seas.
“Sun-drenched days and starlit nights.
A perfect summer day is when the sun is shining, the breeze is blowing, and the birds are singing.
I AM SO GRATEFUL for the lazy, hazy days of summer.
The click of croquet balls rebound across manicured turf,
The cool tingle of a root beer floot satisfies a deep thirst,
Straw bonnets tug against their ribbons on a breezy day,
And barbershop quartets harmonize in the good old summertime.
I AM SO GRATEFUL for relaxing under an oak tree.
A bird’s sweet song murmurs in my ears,
Children’s laughter drifts through the air,
Before dozing off for an afternoon siesta
I think to myself, “It’s a wonderful world.”