Recommended reading by my friend Doug Kitchener who sent along this paragraph from the book.
“When a (ship) is attacked by the weather, her master is her guardian–that requirement lies at the core of his job. He must try to save his ship
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. Only one requirement supersedes that maxim: he must first of all save any human life aboard. What he fears, however, is that his ship will somehow let him down, that when the test comes she will be found wanting. (He dare not even think about this letting her down.) No seaman ever imagines sinking–but those who have known life in such a gale never forget the havoc stemming from those iron protections upon which they had depended. … And finally a master mariner understands his lot: women and children first; the captain will be the last man to leave his ship; and he may have to go down with the ship.” ~ _Simple Courage: A True Story of Peril on the Sea_, Frank Delaney, Random House, 2006, pp. 51-52.