As if the earthquake didn’t create enough damage, the ocean leashed its fury with a historic tsunami on the island of Japan. When I first saw the swells of 23-30 foot waves assaulting the coastline, I thought that being on a boat would have been the only exit from doom. But watching this video made me realize that boats in this tsunami acted like toy boats in the hands of crazed ” navigators”
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The people who once lived along the coastline used to enjoy prosperity: fishing, boating, beautiful sunsets, and all of the pleasures offered by nature. And now, they have been engulfed by fear, poverty, and death by the thousands.
Will mankind ever be able to change the destiny of those who are affected by earthquakes and tsunamis? It is even too early to ask the question; after all, those affected are struggling without electricity, food, telephones, or any communications to the outside world. Their main question is: what is happening to us now?
The entire Japanese nation is also at the mercy of a nuclear attack– its own– as nuclear plants are under the threat of a meltdown. Who will be affected by unleashed radiation: Japan, Hawaii, Europe, Asia, all of the Americas? We all wait, hoping and praying for the Japanese people and indeed for all of us. if there’s any lesson learned from this tragedy, it is that even the second most prosperous nation in the world is in need of assistance from the international community. We also are reminded that we are all interconnected– for better or for worse.