It’s the most unbelievable nonfiction maritime story ever: the “attack” and disappearance of the Arctic Sea. First, reportedly attacked by drug enforcement officials…who were then reported as probable perpetrators…who might have been involved with the ship’s disappearance…. etc. The only clear analysis of the entire mystery was given by the general secretary of the seafarers union In Nautilus International. He said it was unbelievable that a vessel could:
“apparently be commandeered by hijackers and sail through the world’s busiest waterway with no alarm being raised and no naval vessel going to intercept it”.
So there is the rub! Why was no alarm raised when the ship disappeared on July 28? Any mariner knows that passenger safety could be compromised if the ship disappears in the English Channel, So why weren’t naval forces from the various countries involved not rushing out to sea?
Here is my conclusion: I believe that the script of the story is being written intentionally, perhaps in collusion with several countries. For what reason? I think some entity is testing the waters—no pun intended—to see how far they can go to accomplish their mysterious mission.
What do you think? Since I don’t believe we’ll ever have the true answer, I challenge my readers to come up with their hypotheses
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