“Time Takes Its Toll”
Tony Gramer, a distinguished looking gentleman, appeared on the stage at the Washtenaw Community College Campus. It was February 27, 2010; the occasion, The Great Lake Ship Festival sponsored by the Ford Seahorses dive club.
Mr. Gramer began with a philosophical statement; “divers praying a piece of history to us, along with adventure and science. We must keep the sport alive.” Then he announced his presentation, The Philadelphia Story, Time Takes Its Toll. Tony, as he likes to be called, showed compelling video footage that he took with diving buddies as they explored a mass in Lake Huron—the cargo ship Philadelphia. It was evident at this point, how time does take its toll, even on well preserved shipwrecks in the Great Lakes. Nearly the entire hall had been taken over by zebra mussels.
Of course, the collision between the cargo ship Philadelphia and the steamship Albany, happened in November of 1893. Fortunately, courageous shipwreck divers are willing to use cameras and other technology to bring us a historical perspective of a treasured entombed by crustaceans.
Tony explained the tragedy. “There was dense fog. It appears that both ships were going at a fast clip. The Philadelphia sounded its foghorn at the Albany did not return the signal. The collision sank both ships. Both Captain survived and were found at fault. 24 men from Buffalo, New York, died, and 23 made it to shore.” Tony’s theory, which he seems to have investigated thoroughly, is that the casualties were struck by another ship in lifeboat number two. After all, the area of Harbor Beach Michigan, is and was frequented by many ships
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Both the Philadelphia and the Albany sank in 124 feet of water on a foggy morning in November.
Tony did an excellent job in demonstrating how diving is essential in determining the collision, damage, sinking, and the human elements of a shipwreck.