The Andrea Doria’s Endless Curious Connections

 “Right of Passage”

First, let me explain the title Curious Connections.   Today is the first of a series of blog posts about my personal daily happenings. Before you think this will lead to the mundane, let me explain the impetus for these revelations:  I’ve been amazed at a curious pattern of almost daily surprises—curious because of the content and because of frequency.

So, here I go in sharing some juicy gossip, trivia, and soap opera content. Actually I’m just kidding. I’m going to be revealing all of the amazing connections that touch me  in perpetuam about the Andrea Doria.

Perhaps you’ll ask yourself as I do, “how can one ship, incurring one event have so many connections?” could this be about 6° of separation? I don’t think so; I’d like to think it’s about 2° of separation

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Yesterday, I attended a luncheon to celebrate International Women’s Day. I assumed it would simply be a fun networking event. But as usual, I ran into curious connections to the Andrea Doria. Sitting at my table was a lady who was anxious to share with me the fact that her godmother was on the Andrea Doria with me. When she told me her last name, Belluomo, I recognized it immediately; I had met her in the York at the 50th  Andrea Doria survivors’ reunion. We immediately felt a bond.

Then came the real shocker! Guest, Teresa Carlson, who had been my teaching colleague several years ago, announced to the entire group of about 70 women her connection. “My father and the entire family had driven from Calabria to Napoli (Naples) to board the Andrea Doria, in July of 1956. It was a long ride. When we got to Naples, Andrea Doria officials asked him to give up his cabin to a young girl who was immigrating to America to meet her mother and needed to be accompanied by her grandparents.” The audience whispered “oh my God!” in anticipation of what she would say next.

“My father was angry, very angry, but gave up his cabin. When Pierette and I were teaching together, I looked up the cabin information, and confirmed that the little girl, who would have the right of passage to America, was Pierette.” At this point, the audience oood and ahhhd. The news brought tears—mixed tears. After all, Teresa’s father was spared a cruel ordeal because of his generosity. Yet, my grandparents and I barely made it to the New World.

What will be my next amazing connection? Personally, I can’t wait to find out.

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