First Steps for Somalia?


I finally read something that makes sense regarding the Somali pirate problem.

An international donors’ conference focused on stabilizing Somalia was held in Brussels today. The Associated Press reports that over $250 million dollars in pledges have been collected to help increase security and police training in the region, as well as provide funding for the African Union forces and expansion of medical, academic, and rural development programs

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According to Somali Prime Minister, Omar Abdirashid Ali Sharmarke, this is a better use of aid money. In an announcement Wednesday, Sharmarke made a plea to the world to end payment of all pirate ransom demands and asked instead for assistance in training and strengthening the country’s security forces.

It seems to me this might be the first step in addressing the underlying problems to the increased Somali piracy problem. Creating more security on land, thus displacing rebel pirates, should reduce the number of pirates in operation, and provide better opportunities to Somali people.

Safer seas and a better quality of life for Somali citizens is a win-win situation for everyone. I have my fingers crossed!

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