I’m not going to write about anything serious today—not pirating, shipwrecks, oil spills, or anything that can be demoralizing. Instead, I’m gone awry about thousands of deep-sea creatures that were recently discovered by scientists: creatures with transparent tentacled transparent sea cucumbers, “primitive jumbos” that flap ear like fins, and tubeworms that feed on oil deposits.
In a recent article, the Associated Press reported that a recent report released yesterday recorded 17, 650 species living below 650 feet, where there is no sunlight. This indicates that Marine scientists have found 5600 new species on top of the 230,000 known
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A sponsor of the report by the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation explained, “the deep sea was considered a desert until not so long ago; it’s quite amazing to have documented close to 20,000 forms of life in a zone that was thought to be barren… the deep sea is the least explored environment on earth.”
The AP article also indicated that more than 2000 scientists from 80 countries are working together to catalog the ocean species. I found this fact to be uplifting; how great that there is world cooperation on this research! It’s not one country competing to come up with the most numerous species count over another. If only we could work together as one of the species on this earth to solve global problems: pirating, environmental disasters, shipwrecks, and much more: preventing wars, terrorism, and nuclear proliferation. Wouldn’t it be great?
This discovery of the wild things in the depths of our oceans, along with knowing about scientific collaboration on behalf of oceans gives me hope for the future. It makes up for the sadness of losing hundreds of species every 20 minutes.