Germany Prints New Andrea Doria Stamp

I received this welcomed news from my friends in Germany. Klaus Dorneich survived the Andrea Doria with me and was rescued by the Stockholm. Klaus and I correspond frequently, for which I’m very grateful. I’m also very grateful for his excellent English.

Pierette, thank you for your prompt answer – I have just posted my postcard with the Andrea Doria Stamp, you will receive it within the next 8 days. Although I was the only German aboard, many North Europeans (Austrians, Swiss, and even Dutch) were also on the ship and the Rescue became well known in Germany as well (remember I had written my eyewitness report while on the “Stockholm” that was printed by 48 German newspapers after 8 days). Also, there was a popular pop song about the Andrea Doria later on and the writer (Udo Lindenberg) apparently painted the picture that was used now for the stamp! I will look into it and if I find more details I´ll let you know. Besides – in 2006 the German dpa-Press Service published an interview with me (and Hilly) that also was reprinted in many newspapers across the nation! Of course, “” even printed excerpts from my old Doria Diary in 2006. I think I have sent all that to you, although most of it was in German. Let me know if something is missing

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Before I forget – thank you also for the Newsletter! After Antony´s (Grillo) sudden death there was not much communication among the survivors, so your new efforts will certainly be appreciated by the public.

Perhaps you can use some of this information in you newsletter (correcting my English)? And thanks for your interest – I hope the stamp gets to you soon. Affectually, Klaus and Hilly

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