April 30, May 1&2, 2012
Gaylord National Hotel
Washington, DC
Keynote speaker:
Mr. James Cameron
Technical papers suitable for publication are invited on topics related to marine forensics investigations, their findings, processes, and results including:
• Historic shipwrecks, civilian or military losses due to foundering, war damage, allision, collision or any other means
• Investigations of damage to hull and machinery, failures due to accident, environmental loading, or other causes
• Diving in support of forensic investigations, including the use of ROVs, AUVs, manned submersibles, and other remote sensors
• Human factors associated with marine forensic losses
• Marine forensic operations related to aircraft loss investigations
• Designation as a forensic investigation site vs. historic grave site and associated human remains issues
• Underwater archaeology and associated investigations
Please Submit Abstracts and proposed papers to Ken Smith at kmsmith@esi-il.com
Abstracts due March 30, 2011
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. Drafts for peer review not later than November 30, 2011, Final papers including peer review comments due March 15, 2012