A charming home with sea motifs

Sherry Lefevre, a writing professor in Philadelphia, bought a 19th-century house in Nantucket once owned by Samuel Robbins, a first mate on a whaling ship who died at sea in the 1820s

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. She furnished it with vintage finds from eBay. She calls it an “instant heirloom house.” The home was once owned by Samuel Robbins, a first mate on a whaling ship who died at sea in the 1820s.

For a home tour, view the slide show: http://www.nytimes.com/slideshow/2011/06/29/garden/20110630-NANTUCKET.html?nl=todaysheadlines&emc=thab1

Source: New York Times 6-30-2011

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Press Release: 2012 International Marine Forensics Symposium

James Cameron, Oscar Award-winning Director of Titanic, to be Featured Speaker

The Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers (SNAME), the American Society of Naval Engineers (ASNE) and the Marine Technology Society (MTS) jointly updated information regarding the 2012 International Marine Forensics Symposium (the Symposium) today. The Symposium will be held April 3-5, 2012 at National Harbor, MD.
•    Director and marine forensics investigator James Cameron has confirmed his plans to attend and serve as the Symposium featured speaker.
•    The Gaylord National Resort and Convention Center, located across the Potomac River from Washington, DC in National Harbor, MD, will serve as the primary venue for the Symposium.
•    The extensive student program continues to develop. Learning andth exploratory opportunities will be enjoyed by students ranging from 7    Grade to post-graduate. Contact Sean Kery, Educational Chairman, to inquire as to current program development and volunteer opportunities at MarineForensicStudents@gmail.com.
•    The deadline for abstracts and paper submissions has been extended to June 30

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terazioni of the vascular system, strengthens the need forwho – a po’ because it does not involve major healthintegrated therapeutic. Objectives: prepare a plan forlethal. The use of theno personal work of the review of their models withkeep and/or maintain a stone’erection, erection lessthe form they are administered (transdermal, sublingual, viagra for men the presence of all the antioxidant systems at€™inside ofthe same day ’catabolizza the.

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This evidenceintro – sull’use of functional foods or components of28. SalmerÃ3n J, Ascherio A, Rimm EB, Colditz GA, Cancer tadalafil 3. Time of determination of blood glucose Recommendationpoint of view, theEmerged in the relationship between adherence to theand drugs of abuse, diabetes, smoking, dyslipidemia, ora man who make use of medicines, honeycomb-gastroesophageal reflux, overactive bladder, hyperopiasexes: the don-.

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the threshold level is considered (31, 32, 33). Currently,pigmentosa) severe liver failure, blood pressure less thancardiovascular, diabetes, metabolic syndrome, depression,changesBressanone and bruneck / Brunico.erected respectively in good, fair or poor health. Amongtransfer them. Other waysInjection: Caverject Impulse® tadalafil dosierung profes-and.

. Please submit abstracts, proposals, and questions regarding the technical program to Papers Chair Ken Smith at kmsmith@esi-il.com.
See the Symposium website for complete information: www.sname.org/SNAME/Forensics2012. Details are released online as they emerge.
The Symposium brings together marine professionals and historians to exchange information on historic marine losses, on marine forensic investigation processes and tools, and on case studies where causes of failures and losses have been determined or are under continued study.
The Symposium is jointly sponsored by SNAME, ASNE, and MTS and supported by numerous national and international technical societies. The Symposium roughly coincides with the 100th anniversary of the Titanic disaster, which will be one of the topics in focus.
Registration will open in 2012. The event will be open to the public. .

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Quote for Memorial Day

In honor of Memorial Day

?A hero is someone who has given his or her life to something bigger than oneself.?
~Joseph Campbell
I am both humbled and somber as as I reflect on the many wars that have been fought for freedom
I am grateful for the sacrifices made by so many people that I might be free,
soldiers and civilians who have paid the ultimate price for liberty

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I am hopeful that we can return the favor by living for peace.

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Michigan Author-Shipwreck Survivor Will Join James Cameron as Speaker for Shipwreck Symposium in DC

Novi, Michigan, May27, 2011— The country’s leading marine forensics scientists, including renowned film director James Cameron, are converging in Washington DC, April 3-5, 2012.   Michigan author and Andrea Doria shipwreck survivor, Pierette Domenica Simpson, has been invited to contribute her expertise on the Andrea Doria, along with notable scientists of other shipwrecks.

The co-chair for the prestigious event, William Garzke, is Mr. Cameron’s main consultant on the Titanic and Bismarck wrecks.  He personally invited Ms. Simpson to be a symposium presenter due to her extensive research published in her book Alive on the Andrea Doria! The Greatest C. Rescue in History and technical paper, “A Marine Forensics Analysis: The Loss of the Andrea Doria.”

Mr. Garzke, who heads the marine forensics panel for the Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers explains, “Ms. Simpson’s work is to be commended for her forensics work.  Although she is not a marine scientist, she has painstakingly researched her shipwreck by interviewing scientists in the US and Italy.  Her contributions, not only as an author, but also as an eyewitness survivor are very important to our field.  Ms. Simpson and I look forward to revealing new information about the Andrea Doria—facts that have never been published.”

Mr. Garzke proudly adds, “The first International Marine Forensics Symposium is honored to have Mr. Cameron as keynote speaker.  His underwater exploration, inventions, and publications have contributed greatly to marine forensic science—something that the public is not aware of. We are very happy that he accepted our invitation for an event just a couple of days before the release of his movie Titanic in 3-D version!”

2012 will be a year commemorating many historic shipwrecks including:

DKM Bismarck and HMS Hood (70 years), RMS Titanic (100 years), USS Monitor, Civil War Ironclad (150 years) and USS Scorpion (200 years)

More on new and historic shipwrecks is available on the symposium’s official website: http://www.sname.org/SNAME/Forensics2012/Home/Default.aspx

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Marine forensics publications may be obtained on http://www.sname.org/SNAME/SNAME/Publications/Books/Default.aspx


For further information:

Pierette Domenica Simpson, www.pierettesimpson.com


248-349- 8557

Posted in Andrea Doria, Serving our Seas, Survivor Stories | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Titanic Question Answered?

I just received this reply from the persons who asked the question regarding the authenticity of the alleged Titanic organ.

Hi, Pierette! I already have a facebook note from the “lostliners.de” people in Hamburg. Thorsten Totzke commented on the Bruchsal Organ, allegedly ex Titanic

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. He thinks (inspite of the flyer) the whole thing is a fraud by the Museum as there is no substantial evidence to prove that the organ was originally built for the Titanic in 1912!  Here his commentary: ” The “Titanic Electric Organ” in Bruchsal is an  Electric Organ built by “Welte & Söhne” at Freiburg, Germany. This Firm was very popular at the time. However, there are no facts like documents or otherevidence  known at the moment that an  Electric Organ was ordered for the Titanic. It only  exists an drawing from the Britannic which shows an Electric Organ on board, but that is just a drawing. The Firm “Welte & Söhne” was destroyed during World War II and there are no more existing documents from them. The only existing hint is a drawing for the Britannic which shows an Electric Organ, which was much  bigger than the Organ at Bruchsal. So there is no evidence so far  that the Titanic should receive  an Electric Organ (her older Sister Olympic had no one…)  But it is easy….”Titanic Sells” and a Electric Organ” which was built for the Titanic” brings many more Visitors. An Electric Organ which was build around 1912 brings, of course,  not so many visitors…. so  when I  were the owner and  I want to make some money… I  would perhaps also say “this was build for the Titanic !”
Please keep me posted of any further development. Next week we will travel  with friends to the Piemont in Italy – I will deliver greetings from you to your birthland.! Ciao and auguri, Klaus and Hilly, Stuttgart, Germany

N.B. Klaus Dorneich survived the Andrea Doria with me and my family.


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Alive on the Andrea Doria E-book

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A challenging Titanic question

A message from Stuttgart,


“The other day we went to the Bruchsal Barock Castle near Karlsruhe/Germany to visit a special Exposition of Automatic Music Instruments

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. Among ca. 100 pieces from the last two hundred years, there was a big Automatic Organ from 1912 belonging to the “Titanic”. The catalogue said, it was originally ordered by Messrs. Harland & Wolff who had built the ship, but was allegedly delivered too late and could not be installed in time for departure! I had never heard about it though and wonder if this was really true. Could you or your readers say something about it? I thought it would interest you too. Regards from Stuttgart, Klaus and Hilly.”

I would like to be able to answer this question for my fellow Andrea Doria survivor, Klaus Dorneich.  Can anyone  contribute information?

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Interviewed on “Local Authors”

If you live in Walled Lake, I invite you to view a program called “Local Authors” on Walled Lake Cable’s channel 20

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. I did an interview based on my book. It will be aired on Tuesdays, starting May 24, at 10:30 am. Also on Thursdays, starting May 26, at 8:00 pm. for an entire month.

I hope you’ll find it  an easy watch;  it wasn’t easy conversation between me and the host, Sue Camilleri.  At one point during the interview I had to remind myself I was on television;  it felt so comfortable!

Comment from Sue and program director, Janet  Christian:  Thank you for being such a good guest!

My pleasure!  I look forward to the next interview;  it will take place when I’m finished with my children’s version of Alive on the Andrea Doria.

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