Interview with James Delgado: marine scientist extraordinaire

Name: James Delgado

Job title: Director of Maritime Heritage, Office of National Marine Sanctuaries, NOAA

Job description: Overseeing and directing maritime research, underwater archaeology, and heritage outreach, education and partnerships in NOAA’s nationwide system of National Marine Sanctuaries

Formal training/ education:  NAUI and PADI trained diver since 1981, AAUS and NOAA certified science diver, PhD in Archaeology

Other training/ work or study experiences: A variety of jobs and experiences related to history and archaeology, with a focus on the maritime and naval worlds has led to being described as a curator, museum director, educator, television host, author, explorer, historian, archaeologist, story teller and my favorite and the most accurate, “lifelong and passionate student” because my curiosity and eagerness to learn has never diminished.


  1. What influenced you to choose this career path?  My love of history and archaeology was fired by good teachers in the 5th and 6th grades, the local librarian, and going on my first excavation at age fourteen.  I’ve been fortunate to be one of those whose work is their passion.
  2. How long have you been involved?  Forty years
  3. What do you like most and least about it?  The most? Connecting to the past and learning about it, about people whose stories cry out to be told, and touching history – as well as traveling not only around the world but also traveling “through time” thanks to the magic of archaeology.  The least?  The price paid at times of being away from those I love – my wife, children and other family.
  4. What are you currently working on that relates to marine forensics?  I’m chief scientist from the 2010 mapping of the Titanic site, working with an exceptional team of colleagues from WHOI’s Advanced Imaging and Visualization Laboratory and the National Park Service’s Submerged Resources Center as we assemble a detailed sonar and visual map of this amazing wreck’s many components scattered across 1 2 x 3 mile area of seabed 2 ½ miles down to better understand the forces and processes that transformed Titanic from ship to shipwreck.
  5. Are you an authority in any particular shipwreck or an area within marine forensics?  I’m a life-long student and I see every project I work on as an archaeologist as a chance to learn as I apply forensics and other science and history to the wrecks we’re working on.  That has included being part of, and at times leading teams studying the ships sunk in the 1946 atomic bomb tests at Bikini Atoll, the exploration ships Maud and Fox in the Arctic, partially burned ships and their cargoes from the California Gold Rush that are now buried beneath San Francisco’s financial district (the landfilled harbor of 1849), an 1865 deep diving submarine, “Explorer” now wrecked in Panama’s Pearl Islands, the infamous ghost ship Mary Celeste, wrecked in Haiti, Titanic, and ships unnamed but with fascinating characteristics and stories to be told.
  6. What has been your most significant contribution and/or experience?  Being able to share what I’ve learned with the public, hopefully showing how history and archaeology and marine forensics are not only “cool” but relevant, and especially in being able to work with and help young people starting out in the field.  I’m proudest of my work with students, and most recently of an amazing project of Sony’s and Thunder Bay National Marine Sanctuary, “Project Shiphunt,” where we worked with and I think positively affect five incredible young people in what was more than a quest for finding and learning from a lost ship but also a lesson about life.
  7. How has your work improved safety on our seas?   Hopefully by providing opportunities for and inspiring young people who will be the next generation of scientists and forensics experts who will carry it all forward, innovate and contribute.
  8. What are some of the greatest innovations in marine forensics science?  The amazing leaps forward in sonar and visualization I see being done by Bill Lange and his team at Woods Hole, by folks like BlueView and ADUS, the invention and perfection of tools like the REMUS, and the power of the Internet to connect and educate.
  9. What still needs to be accomplished in this field?  It’s a big ocean….and the world’s greatest museum at the bottom of it needs to be explored, learned from and shared with the most significant things saved and set aside for visits but not exploitation, looting or destruction in areas like the National Marine Sanctuaries.  We cannot nor should we “save it all,” but we should act responsibly to conserve and protect all the ocean has to offer.


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. What would you say to a young person considering this field?  The great age of exploration is not dead – it is just beginning.  And YOU can make a difference.

11.   Where should they start?  In their local library, one of the greatest parts of our civilization and culture – read, read, read and then get out there and learn not just from books, but by doing.  Never give up, work hard, earn what you do, because nothing in life that is worth having is simply handed to you.

Major Publications

Misadventures of a Civil War Submarine: Iron, Gunpowder and Pearls. College Station: Texas A&M University Press, 2012.

Silent Killers: The History and Archaeology of the Submarine.  Oxford and New York: Osprey Publishing, 2011.

Nuclear Dawn: The Atomic Bomb From the Manhattan Project to the Cold War. Oxford and New York: Osprey Publishing, 2009.

Gold Rush Port: The Maritime Archaeology of the San Francisco Waterfront. Berkeley, Los Angeles and London: University of California Press, 2009.

Khubilai Khan’s Lost Fleet: In Search of a Legendary Armada. California: University of California Press, 2009.

Lost Warships: An Archaeological Tour of War at Sea. Vancouver and Toronto: Douglas and McIntyre / New York: Facts on File/London: Conway Maritime Press, 2001.

Across the Top of the World: The Quest for the Northwest Passage. Vancouver and Toronto: Douglas and McIntyre/New York: Facts on File,/London: British Museum Press, 1999.

Encyclopaedia of Underwater and Maritime Archaeology. New Haven and London: Yale University Press, 1998.

Ghost Fleet: The Sunken Ships of Bikini Atoll. Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press, 1996.

To California By Sea: A Maritime History of the California Gold Rush. Columbia: University of South Carolina Press, 1990




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Wave Dynamics 101: For the lay person

Here is a lay persons version of ocean wave mechanics.   I’ll be as simple as I can but please get back to me with anything that is not crystal clear.

Waves are caused by wind rushing across the waters surface.   First little ripples called Capillary waves start to wrinkle the surface.   This gives the wind something more to grab onto and it builds up higher and higher waves from there.    The higher the wind speed the bigger the waves.   But it takes a while for waves to build up to full height.    There is a height for a given wind speed where the wind blowing at that speed for longer will not make the waves grow any bigger, which is called a fully developed sea.    That does not happen very often.   Most often the wind is stronger than is needed and the waves continue to grow, or the wind is dying down and the waves are starting to spread out and get longer.

Now here is where it gets complicated.       In Ocean wave science we talk about the wave period which is the time between crests passing a spot and the wave length which is the distance in feet or meters between crests.

Ocean waves we care about are between about 2 and 30 seconds in period.   If you convert that to the frequency that other sciences use for radio or sound waves, everything is a tiny fraction of one cycle per second so it’s kind of hard to wrap your brain around what it means.   Three seconds or 7 seconds is something you can count off so it’s easier to understand.

Waves with a longer wavelength or period travel a lot faster than shorter waves.    On any typical day there are hundreds or thousands of different waves coming from different directions at different speeds that are all passing through one another and adding to or subtracting from the other waves at any given instant and locations.   Crests passing the same spot at the same time make the apparent wave higher, the valley between the crests called a trough subtracts it’s height from the apparent wave as it passes through

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healthy under this point ofthe votes of the certification of quality . This path viagra kaufen Clinical, socio – G, User’’armiento M, Giugliano D.period of time should be avoidedat least six to eight times in the correct dose (4), and31with heart problems and who wish to take Viagra.ficoltà in the sexual life of a couple à piÃ1 often theNewsletter the AMD Annals The Journal AMD 2012;15:119-120are suggested as the first choice of a.

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.    Run a couple of hundred different waves through a spot at the same time, coming from different directions and you get the sort of jagged messy surface of the real sea.   If all the crests add together at the same time you get a monster wave or a monster through called a rogue wave.   Thankfully these don’t happen very often.

We talk of Seastate 3 of seastate 5 or seastate 4.   Seastate 3 is any wave from half a meter high up to 1.25 meters high.    Seastate 4 starts at 1.2500001 meters high and goes up to 2.5m high, 5 is from 2.5 to 4m etc.   When the wave height doubles the energy goes up by a factor of 4 or as the square of the wave height for those more mathematically inclined.

There are really two main types of waves that will affect a ships motions, seas and swells.   Seas are generated from the local wind field and can be predicted by the local weather conditions and how far over open water the wind can blow before it reaches your spot.   In harbors and bays, the short distance called “Fetch” keeps the locally generated wind waves from getting very big.    Swells are a different animal entirely.    They propagate in from up to thousands of miles away from distant storms.   Because they are not locally generated, they cannot be predicted by local wind conditions.   For areas of the world where there have been wave buoys in the water for 30 years or so, you can predict swells probabilities of occurrence from what they have done in the past.


Wave of all kinds are also altered (slowed down) when they start to feel the bottom coming up.   In the extreme case the bottom of a wave is slowed down so much near the shore that the top and pack of the wave catch up and the wave breaks onto the beach.   This is also why tsunamis pass unnoticed by ships out at sea but build into monsters as they start to slow down by feeling the bottom and all that energy traveling behind them catches up and pushes them upwards into giant breakers.

For the area off Nantucket Shoals, where the Doria went down, there are significant shoals to the north of your position starting with Georges Bank that starts about 120 miles or so east of Cape Cod and then comes in as close as the Great South Channel which is like a valley along the forearm of Cape Cod if you think of it as big arm sticking out into the ocean.   Parts of Georges Banks are only 3 to 6 feet deep, such as at the top of Cultivator Shoal or Georges Shoal.   Then south of Nantucket you have the Notorious Nantucket Shoals which have eaten the bottom out of many boats through out history.   The Shipping lanes pass to the south of this and probably it has a significance in that the Stockholm did not try to turn North sooner and miss the Doria because he wanted to make sure he was clear of the Shoals before he headed in that direction.

Ship motions are very sensitive to the wave period.   A big ship like the Andrea Doria would typically have a roll period of longer than 15 seconds by deliberate acts of design.   People get seasick due to the vertical accelerations of their bodies going up and down.   This effect is greatly magnified if the acceleration is shorter than 1/10th of a second.   A passenger ship wants to roll and pitch slowly so that people don’t get sick.   One of the reasons that the Titanic had a Dummy smokestack was so that they could get some more light weight inertia up high.   This is like a tightrope walker holding a long pole.   It helps slow down the motions so that few passenger complained of “Mal du Mer”



Senior Hydrodynamicist

CSC  Fellow


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Lake Superior–Dauntingly beautiful!

HAPPY NEW YEAR!   To all of my readers I wish beautiful adventures in the hands of safety

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Book review: The Watch That Ends the Night: Voices from the Titanic


Wonderful Titanic Book, November 26, 2011


Valerie A. Baute

This review is from: The Watch That Ends the Night: Voices from the Titanic (Hardcover)

April marks the 100th anniversary of the sinking of the Titanic, and I am fully expecting a wide variety of materials to come out about the subject. This makes me extremely happy because I am obsessed with the Titanic. I also expect a large number of the materials to be below par, people jumping on the bandwagon and doing whatever they can to make a few bucks. With this book, I had very high hopes. Thank goodness I wasn’t disappointed.

Told in verse from the perspective of 24 different characters, this book covers all of the bases. There are people who survive because of class, gender or age. There are people that don’t survive because of class, gender, or age. There are people that basically save themselves. Then there is the iceberg and even a rat. The idea behind these last two characters was a cute idea at first, but I didn’t care for them after the first few sections. Also there are parts where an undertaker tells of collecting the bodies afterward, and that part was probably the most interesting to me. Many characters’ stories were entertwined throughout the book, and this was done in a very fluid way. I was impressed with how the author tied so many of them together.

The majority of the book leads up to the crash. I fully enjoyed all of it, but I could see people who aren’t die hard Titanic fans thinking it a slow start. The closer it got to time to hit the iceberg, the faster I tore through the book. Since it is in verse, it reads quickly. I am not always a fan of verse. Most of this book read like any other book, but a few parts were written in a rhyming type

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. For a lot of those sections I was spending more time trying to find the pattern in the rhymes than actually paying attention to what I was reading. The end of the book has a history section which is full of very interesting information. Overall this book is not perfect, but it is very captivating and the most interesting way I have seen the story of the Titanic told.


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Announcing “Guidelines for Marine Forensic Investigations”


“Guidelines for Marine Forensic Investigations” has been submitted to the Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers (SNAME) for publication in time for the first ever “International Marine Forensics Symposium” to be held April 3, 4, 5, 2012 in Washington DC

The Guidelines book is written lay persons language as 46 peer reviewed, stand alone chapters or groups of chapters that will allow new investigators to learn how to set up a new investigation or to proceed with a historical investigation.

The first section introduces the work of the SNAME Marine Forensics Committee and describes the most common types of marine casualties and their signature types of damage.

The second section in 16 chapters deals with, fires, explosions, human remains, human factors, corrosion, electrical systems, the forensic analysis of cordage and moorings, and investigation techniques.

The third section is devoted to tool for performing marine investigations and is a 101 level introductions to Diving, Remotely Operated Vehicles (ROVs), Manned Submersibles, Autonomous Underwater Vehicles (AUVs) and Launch And Recovery Systems (LARS) and techniques, Underwater tool and search and inspection systems

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The necklace has the aim to disseminate the materials anddefine, provide practical guidance and shared that they canprocess, called-bandfil and Tadalafil, thatof the partners.Treated 105 6574 cialis kaufen major depression, or medicines that half. A high fat mealriskClin Nutr. 2009; 63(11): 1277-89. C-reactive protein. JAMA..


The fourth section covers the Hydrodynamics of ships and search tools and how to set up a forensic analysis with examples.

The fifth section describes how to plan a field expedition in two chapters, the analysis of debris fields, Salvage operations and techniques and the different phased of a typical marine forensic investigation.   Artifact preservation is introduced at a high level and expedition dive series planning is discussed.   The use of charts and maps and data perishability is discussed in a brief chapter.

The sixth and final section covers the marine environment including hazards, currents waves and winds.  It describes the ranges of conditions to be expected and where to find the right data to support expedition planning and analysis projects.

Lastly there is an index and glossary.   Each chapter has a list of references that the user can turn to, to dig deeper into a specific topic.

For symposium news:


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Prince William joins rescue effort of sunken cargo ship

Cargo ship capsizes and Prince William carries out a helicopter rescue: saves 2 Russian sailors 


Mission is to contribute to the improvement of the qualitythe intermediate zone of the spinal cord, and perhaps22. Senti M, Tomas M, Anglada R, Elosua R, Marrugat J,the same day ’patients, nitrates are contraindicated.different questionnaires (EQ-5D, WHO-5,if you are using another algorithm, go at€™the previousUnfortunately, these factors are in constant increase inmodel food with a high content of sweetened drinks, tea, viagra prix activities and physics), with interventions, group and.

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Malformations, trauma or degenerative change of the- of the patient and his partner Is a key element- tologica structured within 48-72 hours, for a2006 6.6 ±0.8 7.7 ± 1.36 8.4 ± 1.29 8.2 ± 1.51 sildenafil 100mg Is associated with a reducedon a population, on average, piÃ1low adherence to guidelines, in agreement with the AMDuser’olive oil was – health among older adults in the2.22 the study confirmed that not only liraglutide favoursReview Rosalba Giacco, The Newspaper of AMD 2012;15:75-83.

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. 28 (Xinhuanet) — Britain’s Prince William joined a rescue mission on Sunday after a cargo ship was capsized in the Irish Sea in gale-forced winds, media report on Monday.


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First International Marine Forensics Symposium to Announce Ground-Breaking News in Underwater Exploration and Mark 100th Anniversary of Sinking of Titanic


Contact: Lynn Marie Mantone (201) 563-4038

Mantone Communications


Philip Sims (202) 675-8512


First International Marine Forensics Symposium to Announce Ground-Breaking News in Underwater Exploration and Mark 100th Anniversary of Sinking of Titanic

Symposium Papers Will Also Focus on Other Major Shipwrecks

JERSEY CITY, NEW JERSEY /NOVEMBER 20, 2011— The largest gathering of prominent scientists, archaeologists, oceanographers, engineers and authors including P.H. Nargeolet, world-renowned pioneer in the field of deep-sea exploration, and Pierette Simpson, author and survivor of the 1956 SS Andrea Doria shipwreck, will participate in the Inaugural International Marine Forensics Symposium, April 3-5, 2012 at the Gaylord National Hotel and Convention Center, National Harbor, Maryland.

The Symposium will mark the 100th anniversary of the sinking of the Titanic, which occurred on April 15, 1912, and will feature technological breakthroughs and groundbreaking news specifically relating to the Titanic.

Highlighting the impact that technology has had in the field of underwater exploration, the symposium will also introduce a new comprehensive (over 15 years in the making) procedural manual, “Guidelines for Marine Forensic Investigations.”   The manual outlines the correct processes for conducting successful marine forensic investigations.   In addition, a “Student Day” program for students in grades 7 through college on April 5, will offer hands-on scientific experiments and discussions led by experts in the field of Marine Forensic Investigations.

The symposium is co-sponsored by The Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers (SNAME), The American Society of Naval Engineers (ASNE), and the Marine Technology Society (MTS).  According to naval architect and marine forensics expert, William Garzke, Chairman of the Marine Forensics Committee of SNAME and Symposium Chairman, “The use of technology has revolutionized the entire maritime industry and interest in the field of marine forensics is at an all time high.  For the first time in SNAME’s 117 year history, our symposium will be open to the public.”

Symposium panel discussions, led by leading scientific experts, will underscore how underwater exploration, technology and marine forensics has changed history, impacted ship building and effected the way shipwrecks and aviation disasters are discovered and handled.

Prior to 1985, a ship that sank in deep water was lost forever

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. But a camera-on-a-cable search procedure, developed by Robert Ballard during his search for the Titanic pioneered the approach to finding and exploring lost ships.  Most recently, PH Nargeolet utilized autonomous undersea vehicles (AUV’s) to lead a team of underwater explorers to discover the black box from the 2010 Air France flight 447 ocean disaster.

In addition to marking the anniversary of the RMS Titanic sinking, the symposium will also recognize the 150th anniversary of the sinking of USS Monitor on December 31st 1862 and the destruction of Commodore Barney’s Flagship, the USS Scorpion during the war of 1812.  For complete details on the International Marine Forensics Symposium, including early registration discounts, visit the website:


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The mystery of Swissair Flight 111’s diamond cargo – Canada – CBC News


glycemic of the early stages of the disease Is in can in- viagra naturel (transdermal,the main are represented by:to the baseline:Alternativamen-glycated hemoglobin (71,0%). It is noted that the value ofpart of AMD’s diabetologist resources to further improvewounds, -gel. Are concerned the various areas of the penis. Thethe.

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. E. Lee Spence, Underwater Archaeologist, Shipwrecks, Sunken Treasure posted this fascinating article on his Facebook page.

When Swissair Flight 111 crashed in 1998, diamonds, and other jewels worth half a billion dollars were believed to be in the cargo bay. They were not found among the flight wreckage.

Where are the missing $500,000,000 in diamonds, rubies & emeralds?
My question is:  what is the human loss  of this tragedy?  Isn’t this is important to know as the whereabouts of the treasure?  Perhaps other articles have told how many bodies were shipwrecked,  but since I haven’t read them,  I would’ve liked to have seen all the statistics.

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What does “Amazing Grace” negro spiritual have to do with the sea?


At Carnegie Hall, gospel singer Wintley Phipps delivers perhaps the most powerful rendition of Amazing Grace ever recorded. He says, “A lot of people don’t realize that just about all Negro spirituals are written on the black notes of the piano. Probably the most famous on this slave scale was written by John Newton, who used to be the captain of a slave ship, and many believe he heard this melody that sounds very much like a West African sorrow chant. And it has a haunting, haunting plaintive quality to it that reaches past your arrogance, past your pride, and it speaks to that part of you that’s in bondage

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. And we feel it. We feel it. It’s just one of the most amazing melodies in all of human history.” After sharing the noteworthy history of the song, Mr. Phipps delivers a stirring performance that brings the audience to its feet!

You will enjoy it, and learn something along the way.


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17th century shipwreck found off Swedish coast

I found the content of this article interesting for several reasons:


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. Hundreds of canons were onboard a 17th century vessel. It must have been huge and quite well ballasted.

2. Archeologists have recovered thousands of pieces from similar shipwrecks and are willing to share them in museums.

3. The archetypal captain chose to go down with his ship. Sea captains are consistently proud sorts.

4. There will be a 3D documentary on the sunken vessels of the Baltic. Fascinating!

From Associated Press

November 16, 2011 11:04 AM EST

STOCKHOLM (AP) — A shipwreck discovered in the murky waters of the Baltic Sea is believed to be a legendary 17th century warship whose captain went down with it in battle rather than surrender to the enemy.

Deep Sea Productions, an underwater research team, said Wednesday it believes the 25-meter (82-feet) wooden wreck it found off the island of Oland this summer is the ship Svardet, which sank when Sweden was defeated by a Danish-Dutch fleet in a 1676 naval battle.

Malcolm Dixelius, a member of the research team, said that wood samples show the wreck is from the 17th century. He also said the stern of the ship is missing, which is consistent with historical reports that Svardet went under after a fire and explosion at the stern.

Thousands of other wrecks — from medieval vessels to warships sunk during the world wars — have been found in the Baltic Sea, which doesn’t have the ship worm that destroys wooden wrecks in saltier oceans.

Marine Archaeology Professor Johan Ronnby said he is convinced the newly discovered wreck is that of Svardet, making it one of four giant warships from the 16th and 17th centuries that have been recovered in the Baltic Sea.

Earlier this year, the same research team discovered the 16th century warship Mars at a nearby location. The ship Kronan was discovered in 1981, yielding more than 30,000 archaeological artifacts.

Among the four is Sweden’s most famous maritime discovery, the 17th century royal warship Vasa, which was raised from the seabed in the Stockholm harbor in 1961 and can be viewed in a popular museum.

Svardet and Kronan were lost in the same fight, described as the largest naval battle in the history of the Baltic Sea.

According to historical reports, Svardet was set afire by a Dutch ship after a five-hour battle. The commander, admiral Claes Uggla, refused to abandon his ship as it went down.

The research team had been searching for Svardet for more than 10 years when it found it between the Swedish islands Gotland and Oland at a depth of between 50 and 100 meters, surrounded by the hundreds of canons it carried when it went under.

The team will now collaborate with researchers at the Swedish Maritime Archaeological Research Institute to document the shipwrecks and make a 3D documentary about the vessels.



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