- What were your personal circumstances for immigrating to America?
- What is your recollection of the moments during the crash?
- How were you and your grandparents rescued?
- Do you or your grandparents remember any details about the crew’s actions?
- How was your family affected emotionally or otherwise from the tragedy?
- Was your family compensated for the loss of property?
- Why wasn’t a court trial held to determine culpability?
- What prompted you to write ALIVE ON THE ANDREA DORIA?
- How did your objectives change after speaking with other survivors and maritime scientists?
- What sources were instrumental in reaching your conclusions?
- How does your research explain the collision? The sinking?
- Why did both Italians and non-Italians originally blame the captain and his crew?
- Why should the public believe your book’s explanation, rather than previous theories?
- Why is this event remembered as “the greatest sea rescue in history?”
- Have you derived any personal gratification from writing your book?
- Why is your story considered inspirational?
- Why do you say you’re grateful for the catastrophe?
- What is the current condition of the wreck?
- Is ocean travel safer now as a result of the Andrea Doria/Stockholm collision?
- How are you involved with naval architects, marine engineers, divers, and memorabilia collectors?
- Have you traveled by sea since the collision?
- Is there a movie in the works?
- What other books do you plan to write?
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